Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Infiltration of Labour For Voting Purposes In Leadership Contest.

That the Tories have infiltrated Labour in huge numbers in order to vote for Corbyn is no surprise. They recognise that any election will become unwinnable for Labour with him as leader. Even if he does not survive until the next General Election, the mess created in the aftermath of his departure will be phenomenal.
The thousands of Greens who have tried the same trick are somewhat more difficult to quantify. As marxists by any other name - this is what extreme leftists do and have always done - particularly to the Labour Party. They actually want him to have a position of authority. Under their own steam - election is impossible - coming 5th in the last election (effectively 6th counting the SNP) is probably the best they can ever hope for. Consequently, having an extreme leftist in the mix may suit their purposes. And the big question is - will they be looking for a future alliance with an extremist, leftwing Labour Party? - I do not know but it is certainly one possible scenario.
