Sunday, August 30, 2015

EU Attempt To Further Undermine The Family.

On 8 Sept, 2015 the EU Parliament will vote on a new report entitled, "Empowering Girls through Education in the EU". This report was written by Liliana Rodrigues, who is a Socialist Party MEP from Portugal – and, therefore the report is known as the "Rodrigues Report”.
As intrusive as it sounds, this report wants to impose gender ideology on all schools in the European Union.
Very fundamentally, this report is an affront to the human dignity of every child and to the natural family.
That's why our friends on the Europe for Family team have a new, urgent petition, asking MEPs to REJECT this awful (biased and over-reaching!) report.
Please sign this petition now, and tell Europe's MEPs to allow parents to make fundamental decisions about their children's education:
Specifically, this report calls on Member States to teach gender ideology in all the EU Schools, by replacing old school-books with new books written with a gender ideology bias.
In this way, the Rodrigues Report is trying to demolish and tear down the absolute right of parents to be the primary and principal educators of their children.
And, crucially, the report also violates the EU's own Principle of Subsidiarity, as defined by the Lisbon Treaty, art. 5, such that "Education" is not a competence of the EU.
Please sign this petition and help defend every country's right to make their own policies in relation to the education of their children:
As you know, the EU Parliament are becoming more and more brazen with each passing year. With issues like this, it is clear that they need to be told in no uncertain terms: Stop interfering with our kids and stop interfering with our laws!
In fact, what they ought to be told (again and again) is: Obey your own rules!
Please sign here:
Thank you for defending Life, Family and Freedom!
Yours faithfully,
Scott Schittl and the whole team at CitizenGO

PS - Please click onto the petition page for more information about the report, as well as other links having to do with parents' rights to educate their children.
