Friday, January 22, 2016

Bad Bailout, Big, Base, Bent Banks Bankroll Beastly Blitzkrieg.
Friend -

Safety first. Our money, 
 Vote democracy.
It’s safer to take back control
spend the
 we send to Brussels on our priorities 
than to keep
 giving away power and money.

It’s official. The banks that crippled our economy
 are bankrolling the BSE (Britain Stronger in Europe)
 campaign to keep us in the EU.
Both JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs have pledged
 six-figure sums to the in-at-all-costs camp.
The Establishment is closing ranks and we need
 your help to fight back - please show that you are
 with us by donating just £1 today.
Wall Street bankers are paying for BSE propaganda
 to be delivered to your street
The IN campaign are going cap in hand to huge
 investment banks asking for cash. These are
 the same banks who said they would leave London
 if we didn’t join the euro. These are the same banks
 who crashed the world economy then asked YOU to
 bail them out. These are the same banks who 
paid themselves huge bonuses with YOUR MONEY
Goldman Sachs famously made billions out of 
cheating Greece’s accounts to get them into 
the euro.

Now they are threatening that they will move 
abroad if we leave the EU. They were wrong 
then and they are wrong now. Privately, they 
say ‘of course we won’t move to Frankfurt, it’s 
rubbish compared to London’ but in public they 
threaten to leave to win favours from 
the European Commission so that the 
EU passes regulations that 
give them even more money and harm 
 competitors. It’s a corrupt system. 
Don’t trust 
them - and help us fight back.
