Thursday, January 21, 2016

Black Week For Steel.

Another black week for the UK steel industry

Tata Steel has confirmed it plans to cut 1,050 jobs in the UK, with job losses at Port Talbot, Trostre, Corby and Hartlepool.
Local UKIP MEP Jonathan Arnott described the news about Tata job losses as “another devastating blow to this country’s steel industry.
“This a black day for the Hartlepool area which can ill afford to lose any jobs and of course there is always a knock-on effect for local businesses.
“The North East has already lost thousands of steel industry jobs and the government needs to start delivering on action and not just talking about it.  Our membership of the EU is one of the reasons jobs are being lost and one of the reasons we must leave it.”
John Tennant, the Chairman of UKIP Hartlepool added “this news gives little confidence to Hartlepool residents that the future is bright under the Labour local administration. Both Labour and the Conservatives have systematically dismantled our Northern industries and we are seeing entire communities disappear.”
“We need to offer greater security for manual workers and protect their livelihoods.”

We Must Always Question Statistics.

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