Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Defence - Only UKIP Provides Opposition To The Tory Cuts.


Labour defence team chaos means 

UKIP is the only realistic opposition.

UKIP Defence Spokesman, Mike Hookem MEP has slammed Jeremy Corbyn for his “weak” leadership on UK defence, saying, “rather than re-asserting his authority over his shadow cabinet, he has made it a laughing stock.”
Mr Hookem, a former soldier, who has been UKIP’s Defence Spokesman since he became an MEP in 2014 said; “The UK faces a diverse range of threats at the moment, and with a party in power who pay mere lip service to our armed forces and national defence, now more than ever we need a strong opposition to challenge the government and force them to secure this country.”

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?
