Thursday, February 25, 2016

Frank - Labour's Best MP.

Commons Chamber

A vote to leave is the only way to achieve major EU reform.

19 February 2016 Commenting on the renegotiated terms of Britain’s membership of the EU, Frank Field MP says: ‘What a choice our poor old country faces. There’s widespread support amongst voters across Europe (but not leading politicians) for a fundamental EU reform programme, but our Government never seriously considered leading on this front. Yet the Government so lacked ability that it couldn’t even achieve the minimal reform programme it cobbled together. 
Holding the referendum in June was 
clearly more important than winning 
 major reforms.
‘The Government has failed to secure

 the key renegotiation requirement,
 namely, that we should regain control
 of our borders. I shall therefore be
 campaigning to leave the EU.

‘There are three crucial aspects of this

 campaign which will underpin victory.
 First, we must support those Labour 
voters who are critical to a victory to 
turn out and vote, despite the pro-EU 
line the Labour establishment will push.

‘Second, as the referendum will decide 

the future of our country, we need to 
debate in a civilised way and also join others
 from different parties who hold similar critical 
views about these unsuccessful renegotiations.

‘Third, a successful vote to leave is now 

the only option open to ensure the fundamental 
 reform of the EU on which the Government 
should have embarked. An express wish of 
the British voters to leave will have a huge 
impact on voters and even governments in 
other EU countries. It’s not inconceivable 
that, as we press for an orderly withdrawal, 
other EU countries will join with us in 
negotiating their exit. We must be prepared 
for this wider scenario and respond in the best 
 interests of Britain and Europe.’

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