Over and over again, the left chirrups that 'UKIP is right wing'.
1) Super nationalism.
2) Favouring centralised control.
3) Abhors democracy.
4) Usually expansionist/imperialistic.
5) Outlaws free speech.
6) Hates non indigenous members of the population.
7) Warlike.
8) Welcomes extreme capitalism.
9) Despises the will of the people.
10) Desires to abolish trade unions.
11) Persecutes political opponents.
12) Pays government funds for propaganda purposes.
13) Grants massive powers to the police.
14) Does not respect personal freedoms.
15) Jails enemies.
16) Reactionary and/or conservative.
Read carefully, please. NOW, please explain how
Ukip can, in any way, be classed as right wing?
Asking for immigration controls is not anti
Being anti-left does NOT make you right wing!
16/16 - Ukip does not qualify in any
measure. The party is the very antithesis of right wing.
To crown that statement - UKIP does not and will not allow former BNP or EDL members to join our party!
Populist can be defined as 'respecting the will of the people' and not kowtowing to 'those who know what is best for us' - our egocentric, liberal elite.