Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Christians For Europe?

My heart gave a leap when I spotted this website before recoiling in horror when I discovered that the title was misleading - it should have read 'Christians For The EU'.
How sickening when believers become so lacking in discernment that they cannot spot evil when it is in front of their very noses.
How can they not see that the EU is:
The very antithesis of democracy - with our elected MEPs having NO powers whatsoever?
That the EU is fundamentally anti-Christian - look at the strings of laws and judgements which are both secular and anti-Christian?
That it is entirely self-serving?
That it has imperialistic ambitions?
That it wickedly abuses third world nations with its impositions of horrendous tariffs on their produce?
That it is corrupt. Note absence of clearance of accounts for 21 years by its OWN Court of Auditors?
That it is recklessly inefficient? - Same reasoning.
That it is profligate with the money of our people - especially hitting the low paid?
That it deifies itself?
Christians loving Europe? - Fantastic! Christians loving a nest of vipers - rather less praiseworthy!

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