Sunday, July 03, 2016

They Are Still Mongering Doom.

 Dyed-in-the-wool Remainists really do not seem capable of grasping the positive significance of what has happened in the last few days:
The pound has dropped a little - it certainly has not crashed as promised and lower exchange rates can, in any case, aid exporters.
The FTSE 100 is actually rather buoyant.
The French are apparently not going to deposit the Calais criminals upon us after all.
The list of nations desperate to make trade agreements is lengthening by the day - and only the really big names are reaching the media. There are many more beyond these!
New Zealand has offered to lend us their top trade negotiators who brokered their superb deal with China.
It is clear that German car workers will lose jobs if a good UK deal with the EU is not negotiated and that puts us into the driving seat with regard to Brexit.
No EU democracy has threatened our democracy with war - rather they are critically examining their own relationships with The Evil Empire.
I wish people would open their eyes. The short term future may be a tad messy - but provided that our Brexit negotiators are up to the job - never has this nation's future in the medium and longer term been so bright - and this is global not merely European.

We can have our cake and eat it!

Learning From Joseph.