Friday, September 30, 2016

Perfectly Understandable.

Evangelical Rapper Sho Baraka to Cast Protest Vote Against Clinton and Trump

Sho Baraka, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton
Christian Hip-hop artist Amisho Baraka, popularly known as Sho Baraka revealed last weekend that he will protest both Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in November by voting for a third party candidate. Christian Post.

Removing Turmeric Stains.

SIR – The easiest way to remove turmeric stains from fabric is to use a pair of scissors.
Kevin Ham
Cardiff. D. Telegraph.
(To be fair, another writer recommends a paste of bicarb' and water applied to the infected area. )

EU - Bonkers. Little Wonder Labour Likes It So Much!

MEPs in Brussels have voted to spend €1million on the 'promotion of EU values through music' with the aim of preventing radicalisation and extremist violence among youngsters. Mail.

Sentamu Daring To Talk Common Sense.

At last! A bishop who talks sense on migrants: Senior cleric says Britain should not be
John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, warned that Britain should not be seen 'as a soft touch' and demanded that other EU nations offer homes to asylum seekers in their own countries. He has accused European countries of 'shunting' migrants towards the Jungle camp in Calais. His extraordinary intervention will be seen as a rare example of a senior churchman stepping directly into political territory - in this case the volatile subject of immigration. Mail.

Labour: Totally Bonkers.

Labour MP says UK can borrow money from the EU despite Brexit in 'CAR CRASH interview'

LABOUR MP and Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs gave a "car crash interview" to the BBC when asked to discuss John McDonnell’s economic statement at the Labour conference.

Despite not actually being part of Mr McDonnell’s economic team, Catherine West answered questions about the Shadow Chancellor’s speech.
The Shadow Chancellor repeated his intention to roll out a £250billion investment programme to support British industry and create a “manufacturing renaissance” following Britain’s withdrawal from the EU.
During the interview, Ms West claimed the Labour Party plans to borrow part of that money from the “investment bank arrangements in the European Union”.
Speaking on the BBC’s Daily Politics, she said: “That money will be partly through the investment bank arrangements in the European Union - which of course we didn’t want to leave the European Union for this very reason, so those facilities are available to us. Express.


Secularism Declining?

Tim Keller Makes Sense of God for Skeptics, Argues Secularism Is Declining (Interview)

Tim Keller

Pastor Tim Keller is on a mission to make sense of God, and if you ask him, Christianity not only makes sense, it offers so much more than many realise.

Good and Strong.

Lazy Christianity.

Casting Crowns' Frontman Mark Hall Slams Lazy Christianity, Calls People to Action (Interview)

Casting Crowns' frontman Mark Hall says the band hopes their new album, "The Very Next Thing," will encourage Christians to step out of their comfort zone and seek God's plan for their life.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 23rd, 2016 | AbortionBioethics
Senior doctors attracted strong criticism this week, after suggesting that the NHS should work out the cost effectiveness of treating those with Down’s Syndrome. Christian Concern.

About Right.

'And now a prayer to guide the Football Association to the door of an honest man willing to work for £3million a year...The Vicarage, 27 Church Lane...'

Scientists At UCLA Ask ...


Gotta say that this has always been a universal truth. What about all those nonogenarians who live on bacon fat, bourbon and biscuits? Have they merely dodged a bullet or is it all to do with bodily internal programming?
This overweight fogy does not expect his no tobacco, non-alcohol abusing, high fruit, high fibre, high vegetable diet to save me from all the horrid diseases - but, perhaps all we can do is try to sway the odds in our favour a bit. (Memo to self: really must try to shed near addiction to potato crisps.)
Do remember two basic facts: God is in control and if our bodies are 'Temples of His Holy Spirit' - we are obliged to treat the shell with more than a minimum of respect.

Yet Another Monger of Doom Backtracks.

Standard & Poor's - which before the EU referendum warned that quitting the Brussels club could 'paralyse' investment in the UK - has now raised its growth forecasts. Mail.


    Apart From A Silly Sideswipe At Ukip, Jack Straw Talks Sense on Migration.

    Clinton Better Prepared In First Debate!

    Why Embryonic Stem Cell Science Is No Longer An Issue.

    In 2006, a technique pioneered by Nobel Prize-winning Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka all but rendered embryonic stem cells obsolete. He discovered a way to induce pluripotency, causing adult cells to mimic embryonic stem cells. His method has since been developed to the point where researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital used it to grow a genetically-compatible, beating human heart from a patient’s skin cells!
    This method is actually superior to the embryonic method, because it eliminates the risk of rejection. The freshly-grown tissue from adult stem cells is, quite literally, the patient’s own. All of this led Christopher White at Crux to declare the stem cell controversy effectively over. President Bush was right, White argues, and so were the legions of pro-life activists who supported alternatives to embryo-destructive research. The stem cell debate didn’t just fizzle out. On an important level, it was soundly won by those who insisted that medical science could advance without turning human life at its earliest stages into a disposable commodity. Breakpoint. John Stonestreet.


    The Scriptures tell us 'to give thanks in all things'. I have realised of late that I do not show Our Heavenly Father sufficient gratitude for all the wonderful things He has given me - and that is before we even consider Calvary.
    Thank you, Lord!

    Our Strength And Our Song.

    One of My All Time Favourite Cartoons.

    Reading the Gospels, it is often stated that the disciples were 'hard-hearted', which, apart from the obvious meaning, also can be translated as 'slow-witted'.
    Odd that this handful of dimbos was able to change the entire world for millennia - innit? I wonder what brought that about?

    Ohhhh, Yes!

    Spice trail
    SIR – In all the excitement about the superfood properties of turmeric, has anyone discovered how to remove the yellow stains left by the blasted spice?
    Jan Alcock
    Clitheroe, Lancashire. D. Telegraph.

    Wednesday, September 28, 2016

    Islamic Extremism Infiltrates The Police.

    In this piece, Christian Concern's Director of Islamic Affairs, Tim Dieppe, discusses news that Islamic extremism has infiltrated the police force. "The idea that our counterterrorism division would employ someone sympathetic to the Taliban, and let them continue in that role is shocking and disturbing," he writes.
    He states that the "foundation of our society is at stake" and urges believers to pray that police offers would not be intimidated by fears of Islamophobia. One might expect that those inside Scotland Yard’s counterterrorism division would not be afraid of being labelled ‘Islamophobic’. One might have thought that there would be some decent vetting system, and that those with views sympathetic to Islamists would not be employed in this division, or anywhere in the police. However, such is not the case according to Javaria Saeed who resigned this year from the counterterrorism unit, after complaining about Islamic extremism amongst her colleagues.
    Saeed a practicing Muslim herself, says she was demonised by some fellow Muslim officers, labelled a "bad Muslim" for not wearing a hijab, and told she was "better off at home looking after your husband." She complained to her bosses after witnessing a fellow officer saying that FGM was a "clean and honourable practice"that "should not be criminalised." This same officer also said that female victims of domestic violence should not appeal to the police, but resolve their cases in a sharia court, except in "serious violent cases." Saeed says that her managers refused to take any action because they were afraid of being accused of racism. She says she was advised not to make an official complaint because it would "hinder" her "career progression and tarnish [her] reputation.'
    Saeed says that the Met refuses to properly investigate Muslim officers for fear of being called Islamophobic. She says that Muslim officers were racist against white officers, and sexist too. "If such views were held and expressed by white officers, they would be fired." she said.
    Saeed also complained that another Muslim officer said that Pakistan’s security problems would be resolved with a "strict religious solution … like the Taliban." She resigned because of the political correctness that refused to properly deal with such views in the force.
    Saeed’s experiences ring all too true because we now know that the police failed to properly investigate Islamic rape gangs in Rotherham and other towns for fear of being called racist or Islamophobic. A report in the Daily Express last month revealed that child sexual exploitation is still going on today in Rotherham, with many victims complaining about the continued lack of response from the police. Allegations have also been made of Rotherham scale abuse in Telford. Street pastors have been working in the town, providing information and preventing some girls from being taken away. Street Pastors co-ordinator, the Rev Keith Osmund-Smith, doubts that the information that street pastors have been providing to the police since 2013 is always acted upon.
    Meanwhile, West Midlands Police Chief Constable David Thompson has said that he would consider employing staff who wear a burka in order to increase minority ethnic representation in the force. Even the Muslim Council of Britain thinks this is a bad idea. Only a small portion of Muslim women from the most fundamentalist groups of Muslims wear burkas. The burka dehumanises the women and is a barrier to proper communication. It is a symbol of oppression. This is not something that the police should be promoting, and wearing it will not help to enforce the law.
    Clearly the police have a problem. They are terrified of being called racist or Islamophobic, and as a consequence girls are being raped and crimes are not being investigated. The idea that our counterterrorism division would employ someone sympathetic to the Taliban, and let them continue in that role is shocking and disturbing. Saeed has taken a courageous and principled stance to expose this problem. Let us hope and pray that more officers will be bold enough to refused to be cowed by allegations of racism or Islamophobia.  It is Christianity that provides the foundation for equality before the law since we believe and teach that every person is created in the image of God. Islam, by contrast, discriminates against both non-Muslims and women. Our police need to uphold the law and apply it equally, both within their own ranks and out on the streets. The foundation of our society is at stake.

    Another Attack On The Resurrection Bites The Dust.

    Silly, Silly, Silly.

    Yorks Post Comment: Jeremy Corbyn must curtail Labour bullies.

    He IS a bully!

    My Upper Back Always Welcomes A Good Massage.

    Gender Abortions - India.

    September 21st, 2016 | Abortion
    Google, Microsoft and Yahoo will block online advertisements promoting 'gender-abortion' in India, following an order by the country’s top court.


    Makes Perfect Sense To Me.

    Franklin Graham's Advice to Americans When Stopped by Police: 'Follow Their Instructions!'

    Franklin Graham

    The Rev. Franklin Graham has advised people to obey the instructions of police officers when stopped by them for whatever reason. Christian Post.

    Be Kind.

    Tuesday, September 27, 2016

    Sometimes See These Guys In Spain - Seriously Cute!

    Eat To Beat Diabetes?

    George - Surely You Weren't Telling Us Porkies, Were You?

    George Osborne used the full weight of the Treasury to try and convince voters if they backed Brexit they would cause the first ever 'DIY recession'.

    Just How Bigoted Do You Have To Be To Take Offence Here?

    The Fumble In The Jungle: Leftie Trollops.

    Deutsche Bank In Meltdown Added To China Debt Crisis.

    The world financial markets are in more than a bit of a mess. Simple question. Would you prefer your nation enabled to make its own decisions or would you prefer to be shackled to an intransigent union whose decisions are more likely to be influenced by what happens to Bulgaria than what happens to the UK?
    Mmm. That's a tough one!

    Free Will.

    Tim Warner in 2003:
    Prior to the writings of Augustine, the Church universally held that mankind had a totally free will. Each man was responsible before God to accept the Gospel. His ultimate destiny, while fully dependent on God’s grace and power, was also dependent on his free choice to submit to or reject God’s grace and power. In the three centuries from the Apostles to Augustine the early Church held to NONE of the five points of Calvinism, not one. The writings of the orthodox Church, for the first three centuries, are in stark contrast to the ideas of Augustine and Calvin. Man is fully responsible for his choice to respond to or reject the Gospel. This was considered to be the Apostolic doctrine passed down through the local church elders ordained by the Apostles, and their successors.

    Story With A Happy Ending.

    Rebrand Your Church? (No Thanks.)

    Britain Better Served Outside The EU.

    Mathias Döpfner (pictured), chief executive of Axel Springer, says Brexit will see the nation embrace a truly free market, while the EU will be a 'transfer union' in which money goes from rich states to poor ones. Mail.


    Answered Prayer.

    I had a severe cramp in my calf during the night which is not especially conducive to further sleep.
    I lay awake pondering all sorts of matters and then began to wonder about the people and situations I have been praying for - particularly those brought before our Early Birds Prayer Team on all those Thursday mornings when I am at home.
    For some months now, there have been a great many yeses.
    Thanks, Lord.

    Secular Jew Finds Jesus.

    Monday, September 26, 2016

    Prayer Corner.

    Please pray for a child called Jacob - who may have septicaemia.

    Hmm. We'll See!

    Juncker: EU is 'not at risk' of disintegration.

    Thoughtful Piece By Littlejohn.

    Fear Of Democracy, Huh?

    I wonder why the EU (which is run by unelected commissioners) is not fond of direct democracy?

    Two Government-Sponsored Words Of Absolutely No Substance:


    How It Is: Spot On!

    Hmm. There Must Be A Sermon In This, Somewhere!

    According to the research, sex releases a 'love hormone' oxytocin not only promotes social bonding, altruism but also spirituality and belief in God - especially among men. Mail.

    Belgium: Justifiable Mercy Killing?


    Jimmy Carr.

    Yesterday, having caught ten minutes of apparently inoffensive comedian, Jimmy Carr's, stage act - I was shocked to find that he is just one more of that huge and reprehensible group of sickening, foul-mouthed, leftist, anti-God, unfunny comics who are the the moral scourge of the modern age.
    Avoid this odious man like you would a dose of bubonic plague!
    (Don't forget to pray for him, though, and for all of his toxic colleagues!)

    Interesting Sermons & Other Stories.

    Bringing Down The EU.

    I would never campaign to bring the EU down but, any time that an anti-democratic set of egotistical bureaucrats, who work against the common people, is put under threat by democratic parties - then these will always have my tacit support.

    Even here in Spain, the EU is starting to lose popular support.

    Sunday, September 25, 2016

    Jonathan on Jeremy.

    Congratulations to Jeremy Corbyn on being re-elected as Labour leader. Commiserations to those seeking a strong Opposition.

    Hosea 6:3.

    Demons Both Real & Imagined.

    Corbyn Re-Elected Leader.

    Well done, Jeremy! May you stay leader for as long as you live. You have been sussed by the voters. The best you can hope to do is to stop Labour's plummet to disaster by reducing it from 100mph to 95. You ARE the man for the job.
    In the unlikely event that Ukip can get their act together (sorry, all - that is probably me just fantasising) - this is where your Labour seats will mainly go but your success is a boon for the Tories. I do hope that this gives no fresh impetus to the Lib Dems!

    Labour In Newcastle Feather Their Own Nests!

    Whilst Newcastle suffers ever deeper cuts, Labour gave the city's highest-paid Council staff a significant pay rise!

    Ship Building & Fishing.

    Nice One, The Co-op.

    Dear Editor, 
    The Co-op has announced that they will switch to 100% British bacon and lamb in all of their own brand products.  Co-op already have an impressive record of backing British farming and I would like to take this opportunity to commend them for taking this one step further.
    This is a move that will be appreciated by many of their existing customers and I have no doubt that this policy will attract new customers to Co-op stores.
    British farming has faced many challenges in recent years and support from stores like Co-op and restaurants like McDonalds already play a key role in supporting literally tens of thousands of farms all across the UK.   I hope that more companies will following in Co-op’s very impressive footsteps.

    Jonathan Arnott MEP

    The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

    Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...