Friday, October 28, 2016

Money-Gobbling Entity.

Money saving proposals rejected by EU

Proposals by UKIP which would have saved more than €3.4 billion taxpayers money have been thrown out by the EU.
“This is how the European Union operates – spend, spend, spend and to hell with the cost, as it not coming out of over-paid bureaucrats’ pockets,” said Jonathan Arnott, UKIP’s North East MEP.
“We put 33 eminently sensible money saving proposals forward to the budget committee and one by one they have been rejected. Sadly this came as no great surprise as the EU’s ethos is to keep expanding as it is a money-gobbling machine on the road to destruction.
“Our proposals included cutting MEP salaries, travel expenses and their assistants budget  – so no great shock that they got the thumbs down!”, he said.
The other cost saving suggestions included – scrapping the Economic and Monetary Union propaganda campaign; cutting commissioners salaries; scrapping the EU House of History; cutting the Monnet professor budget and cutting funding for more countries to join the EU, e.g. Turkey.
“The Parliament’s attitude to the proposals is further proof – not that we really need more – that the UK’s vote for Brexit was absolutely the right decision.
“Some people ask these days what is the point of UKIP now we have had the referendum and the answer is we must hold the government’s feet to the fire to make sure that Britain’s exit from this failing bloc happens sooner rather than later. Every day that goes by continues to cost us £55 million a day,” said Mr Arnott.

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