Thursday, November 03, 2016

Jill Seymour MEP.

Enough of the Heathrow airport talk – it’s time for action.

Jill_Seymour.jpegResponding to the Government’s approval for a third runway at Heathrow airport, UKIP Transport spokesman Jill Seymour said: "I’ve always been opposed to this blinkered idea that building a third runway at Heathrow is the only real solution to our aviation issues. We should be expanding capacity at all of our regional airports across the UK instead – places such as Birmingham, for example, which has plenty of capacity for growth without the need for an extra runway.

"But whatever people’s views about the expansion of Heathrow, it’s vital now that the Government cracks on with delivering what we seem to have been talking about for years.  Other countries have built entire new airports while the UK Government has been pontificating about what to do over the Heathrow third runway issue. It’s been a case of too much talk, and not enough action.”

Learning From Joseph.