Saturday, November 19, 2016

Populist: A Lovely Word For True Democrats.

When elections and referendums don’t go the way of the establishment the lofty socialists claim with disdain that it was a Populist Vote. Clearly Brexit was more than just Leave the EU, it was about rejecting a metropolitan elite who had been dominating the political agenda that benefits mainly the capital cities in a network of globalisation.
Now that Donald Trump has succeeded in the USA they are organising violent uprisings, claiming that the vote was not fair or in the interest of the nation. Trump also tapped into the general discontent amongst mainly rural communities where the focus is on usually declining manufacturing and farming.
According to the Compact Oxford English Dictionary, ‘populist’:
adjective, intended to appeal to or represent the interests and views of ordinary people; noun, a member of a political party that seeks to appeal to or represent the interests and views of ordinary people.
Ordinary people are presumably not representatives of big business or corporations or bankers or highly paid executives or high power lawyers.  Indeed you can pretty much exclude all the highly paid people who inhabit the commercial, legal, and civil service sectors of large cities.
Strangely I was always under the impression that Members of Parliament were elected by the people to represent them and their views. Unfortunately what has happened since at least the 1970’s is that political parties have pursued political science agendas that focus on assisting the corporate interests of the metropolis and large cities.
The politics of the establishment parties all have been turned to the dark side, to support globalisation, either in the form of a socialist World government or control of the World through massive supra-national corporations.
This agenda completely ignores the towns and villages in the industrial, rural, and coastal areas. Whereas the cities have for many decades been multicultural, multilingual, and multiethnic the rest of the country was not.  Until fairly recently areas away from the big cities still were populated with predominantly indigenous people.
Whilst the cities hardly notice increased immigration because their culture is already heavily mixed, the rural communities become unsettled by massive influxes of foreigners, most especially if they look different, speak their own language, dress differently and bring with them an alien religion. This recent unwelcome invasion into our towns and villages has completely disrupted the community spirit and created a ‘them and us’ relationship.
In these relatively poor regions there was previously a strong sense of community where the focus is local, county, state and possibly national but hardly international.
The UK Governments for more than half a century have repeatedly turned their backs on these areas by destroying the coal and steel industries, have given our territorial waters to the EU, have not invested in required road and rail infrastructure, and have ignored UK manufacturers by regularly awarding huge contracts to overseas suppliers. Then they have started to cover the landscape and seascape with industrial size wind farms, often against the wishes of the locals.
The result of the UK referendum, like that of the EU Parliamentary Elections and the last two general elections showed the red of left wing support in Northern Ireland & Scotland and in the major English cities, whereas rural Wales and most of England was blue.
A similar situation has occurred in the USA and the result in the recent American election showed the cities, towns and villages in industrial and rural areas coloured red [Ed: the US colour representing the Republican Party], covering at least ¾ of the country geographically and the remainder in blue. I really have to have a talk with Donald and tell him that in future Republican is right wing and conservative and that should be blue, whereas Democrat is left wing and socialist and communist and that should be red! That’s the trouble with these ex colonials – sometimes they get a little confused.
Understanding this leads us to the meaning of populism. It means feelings of local community, national identity, and of patriotism.These feelings are not right wing or left wing, which is why UKIP appeals to disaffected Conservatives and Labour supporters as well as large numbers of the electorate who have not voted for many years.
Conversely the political agenda of globalisation is creating massive immigration, upsetting local communities, watering down national identity, making us ever more dependant on other countries for gas and electricity, and constraining every aspect of our lives with regulations and directives.
There are now nearly two whole generations of people indoctrinated into ignoring the country of their birth and upbringing and who believe the small proportion of CO2 emissions by mankind is causing global warming climate change. By 2016 we have had about 40 years of left wing bias amongst teachers, both here and in the USA.
Demographically the cities have a lower average age group because the young people flock there for the best job opportunities. Unfortunately the advantage of city life is an illusion. Even surrounded by millions of people they can be the loneliest places on earth. The wages are high but so are rents, services, and dining costs. The traffic is a nightmare and parking is expensive.
Here in the UK the rail service is almost prohibitively expensive to commute in from a place that a person can afford to buy or rent. Working in the cities has become so competitive that the majority of employees now dare not take time out for tea and lunch breaks. Together with the long commute home this makes working in the city like being a rat running in a cage.
What someone needs to teach the young people before they flock to the city is that there is a difference between quality of life and standard of living. Instinctively many people working and even living in the cities know that it is less stressful to live in the country, which is why so many of them intend to move to the country when they retire.
So when the majority of the electorate who live in the countryside vote for a person who speaks about their situation and offers to improve it, or tries to throw off the yoke of an oppressive and undemocratic foreign regime that favours the cities but devastates the rural areas, it is a message that we the people have been ignored too long.
To fight back requires activists outside the regular mainstream party structure and that is why both Nigel Farage and Donald Trump have succeeded because they speak to the ignored population about issues the mainstream parties won’t talk about.
The seeds of discontent against the failed EU project is likely to see the establishment parties of Europe swept away in a domino effect, possibly before we actually leave and before 2020.
Woe betide Theresa May and the Conservatives if they renege on Leaving the EU, and on the rest of the MPs who might fight against the will of the majority.
I just hope the Supreme Court will make a sensible decision and allow the Royal Prerogative to the Government to invoke Article 50. Ukip Daily News.

Learning From Joseph.