Saturday, November 05, 2016

What Labour MP Said On Question Time.

Wigan MP Lisa Nandy attempted to reassure the voter Britain will still leave the EU despite the court case, which was brought by investment manager .
The politician said: “We haven’t enacted Article 50 because the government has no idea what its priorities are in those negotiations.
“And the truth is, you say that people don’t trust politicians and they don’t trust us to deliver this and I feel that too, I think that’s broadly right.

“But as a politician who has spent six months in the run to that referendum talking to people in my own community… I felt people shaking with rage about a whole host of things including the European Union.”
She said the referendum result sent a strong message to politicians and had “shaken things up”.
The MP added: “If you honestly think that this decision is going to lead to members of Parliament voting not to trigger Article 50, you are wrong, because we heard it loud and clear. Express.

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