To which of the four main English parties has Nigel been the most damaging in the last two

It is not that he hasn't done wonders in the past but he speaks out of turn so very frequently that many voters are thoroughly tired of him. He is yesterday's man still being portrayed as 'a player'.
Moreover, there are so many would-be voters out there who had never warmed to him in the first place - me having done a great deal of work for Ukip over years - I have not been at all surprised to find that there is a great pool of the electorate who like Ukip but cannot stand Nigel.
I first became aware of this phenomenon about seven or eight years ago when a late friend, a CofE Reader, who was Ukip through and through in attitudes - told me that he would never support the party because of Nigel.
It was a phenomenon which I have encountered many times since.
Ukip's largest success to date came with the winning of the EU elections in 2014 - but it was clear to me that Ukip support under Nigel had peaked at that point.
Nigel has made himself - and consequently the party - vulnerable by countless unguarded remarks. He began to believe that he was capable of thinking on his feet which, sadly, was only true part of the time. Far too often he left himself open to virulent and successful attacks from our largely left-leaning media.
Why give ammunition to the enemy? - I do not know but he certainly has!
I firmly believe that there is at least another 20% of the entire electorate which can be won over to Ukip who have never previously cast a vote for the party - and possibly even more.
The BBC, and other leftist parts of the media, seem to recognise this and seem to be targeting their Ukip interests by concentrating on an ordinary MEP called Nigel Farage - as if he were still party leader.
Er ... excuse me, but Paul Nuttall - he of the very few mistakes - is the Ukip leader now!
If Ukip adopts a non-Tory, centre-right stance - it could, media performances permitting, be headed for power by 2025 as it sweeps up votes from the entire political spectrum - liberal left excluded, it goes without saying.