Friday, December 23, 2016

Wiltshire Smoked Back - My Favourite.

I have just read an article which suggests that bacon sales have plummeted because of health scare stories in the press.
So many scientific studies have lambasted (Hmm, lamb basted in gravy, I wonder?) so many foods and drinks over decades that when the inevitable retraction and volte face turns up - we are made fools for having listened and deprived ourselves of good provender over a lengthy period.
A good rule of thumb, it appears to me, is to eat and drink natural foods and to avoid the ones with all the E numbers, additives, MSG etc.
I can fully understand why pre-packaged bacons, riddled with additives, might be causing us damage to our bodies - but with the real stuff? - Frankly, I doubt it! 
Too many of us are not buying real food!
PS. The bacon I buy is NOT cheap!
PPS. We are warned constantly to cut salt intake to 6 grams daily. I have checked salt content on many items only to find how frequently the amounts are trivial.
I was pleasantly surprised recently to see that even the demonised salted peanuts I was eating contained well under 0.2 grams per portion!
We also use Lo Salt. Is that a mistake too? Probably the longest living people on earth are found in the High Andes where sodium salt intakes are phenomenally high!

Look What The Green-Leaning Politicos Have Done To Our Country!

  Annabel Denham . Ed Miliband is hammering the final  nail in Britain’s coffin – then boasting  about it. The country that birthed the indu...