Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Remainers - Just SHUT UP!

 Nick Martinek, Briarlyn Road, Huddersfield.
THE Remain establishment is still tying itself in knots trying to fool us with a fake Brexit. We know that leaving the EU means no control by the EU, no control by EU courts, no control by EU institutions, no payments to the EU, simply trading under WTO rules, or a free trade deal if one is agreed. It’s not that difficult a concept even for the Remainers to grasp. The Remainers suffered an unexpected shock when they were defeated at the referendum. They don’t really understand how or why, and they make no attempt to do so, still thinking “fear and sneer” will do it. Refusing to accept the democratic result with good grace is a serious mistake. The Remainers should remember that democracy is regime change without a civil war. Yorks Post.

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