Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Trade Deal With US Is Guaranteed.

The White House is “100 per cent certain” of striking a trade deal with the UK. Having visited Washington last week, Liam Fox is basking in president Trump’s prediction of a “very big and exciting” free-trade agreement.
As we move towards Brexit, forging trade links elsewhere makes sense. Helping UK exporters sell into the 80pc-plus of the global economy outside the EU sends a powerful signal during these Article 50 talks. An agreement with the world’s biggest economy would be a good start. And to think – Trump’s predecessor had us “at the back of the queue”.
The EU has spent almost a decade trying to hammer out a US trade deal. Negotiating as a bloc of countries, often with conflicting objectives, is one reason Brussels has cut so few meaningful trade agreements. The EU has no deal with any top-10 global economy. The 50 or so EU deals we often hear about are mostly with minnows, covering... Telegraph.
