Friday, September 29, 2017

Clegg Not Tested By Marr.

Thomas W Jefferson, Batty Lane, Howden. Last week’s Lib Dem conference and Nick Clegg’s interview with Andrew Marr on Sunday should have revealed the absurdity of their “Exit from Brexit” policy, but disappointingly the political interviewers failed to lay a glove on them. Withdrawing our Article 50 notice to leave the EU would require unanimous permission from all of the other 27 member states. We would therefore be a hostage to fortune as they would no doubt wish to exact a price. Let us not forget the words of Jean-Claude Junker, who in March this year said: “In Europe you eat what’s on the table or you don’t sit at the table”. National humiliation awaits us if we put ourselves in that position. I wish the Remainers would explain their obsession with the Single Market and Customs Union which, at a cost of £10bn per year, allow us to clock-up a large trade deficit, whereas our trade with the rest of the world costs nothing and yields a useful surplus. If we have somehow been drugged into dependence on the EU market by these mechanisms then we will have to go “cold turkey” at some point or be totally subsumed by them.

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God’s Love and Ours. 1 John 4.

God’s Love and Ours. 7)  Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows G...