Monday, September 25, 2017

Dual The Whole Of The Wretched A64! (The Money Is There!)

Andrew Suter, Far View, Ampleforth.

I REFER to the Government’s decision to place the A303 going past Stonehenge into a tunnel at a cost upwards of £1.6bn to preserve the peace and tranquillity of the historic site.
For this money, the A64 could be dualled all the way from York to Scarborough. The peace, tranquillity and health of thousands of people would have benefitted on a daily basis as villages along the route were bypassed.
It is no surprise that Scarborough is in the top 10 UK towns for bankruptcy with the current chronic transport links it suffers.
What a shame the councils along the route haven’t got English Heritage fighting their corner.
The A64 issue is a national disgrace and politicians should hang their heads in shame over the lack of investment in it.
