Saturday, September 23, 2017

Socialists and Optimism.

You may not care to admire their politics or their self-delusion but you sure gotta admit that the optimism displayed by socialists is a something of a most high calibre.
Who could still believe in that failed philosophy after what happened in the Soviet Bloc or Cuba or, for that matter, North Korea?
Who can retain optimism after the huge economic debt created by every single Labour government in UK history?
Which believers in the tooth fairy also still believe in socialism's 'magic money tree'?
Who can still believe that 'high taxation is a successful social model?'
Still they cling on grimly to their belief that 'it will all work out alright in the end. No, honestly, it will'.
When you meet one of these hardy souls - please do not mention what socialism has done to Venezuela. It could be the final straw. You know - the one to break their cameloid back!

Could you live with that on your conscience? - Well, could you?
