Yesterday, I was present at the EU Budgetary committee where a Finnish gentleman was being presented as a possible replacement on The Court Of Auditors panel.
In highly restrained form, Jonathan Arnott MEP took apart the man's claim apart by demonstrating that this was a political appointment in a role totally unsuited to any party politician. An experienced auditor was needed.
Good as Jonathan is on the Youtube clip below - his calm presence clearly commanded huge respect around the chamber.
(Much larger than I had expected for a committee.) When the gentleman, Hannu Takkula answered the points - he ignored a number and waffled about 'learning on the job'. A palpable hit for Ukip! When the vote was taken - an astonishingly high number - nine- voted against his appointment but sadly with an unlucky thirteen in favour.
INCREDIBLE that the EU should put a non-expert into a position where being an expert is essential! (Mind you - he is apparently quite a nice man!)
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