Friday, December 15, 2017

Beeching Et Al.

Dave Haskell, Cardigan. WILL the Conservative Party ever learn from history? They are unbelievably echoing similar mistakes that the Tories made back in 1961 when the then transport secretary, Ernest Marples, hired Dr Beeching to decimate the railways. Thankfully, the Government has recognised what a monumental error it made back then in closing so many lines – not surprisingly, the Government is now seeing the wisdom in opening up new railway lines. But what a myopic, restricted and idiotic scheme the HS2 project is – wasting billions of pounds when the money should be spent across the whole of the rail network whereby everyone benefits (Chloe Westley, The Yorkshire Post, December 5).

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Donald Trump's Promises.

                                   WOW!              (Compare to our feeble, insipid PM.)