Sunday, December 17, 2017

HS2 - Is It Dead?

The Human Cost of the HS2 Disaster.

West Midlands MEP Jill Seymour has launched a last-ditch bid to halt the HS2 ‘vanity project’ with a hard-hitting video and new petition. Mrs Seymour, who sits on the European Union’s transport committee, today unveiled a film which tells tearjerking stories of people’s lives being ruined by the line – alongside some shocking statistics.
“This vanity project is already spiralling out of control, and it will be our children – and their children – who will be paying this debt,” she said.

“When the £111 billion could be spent on our NHS, emergency services, new housing, and social services, why is the priority on a railway we don’t need?”

The six-minute ‘HS2 Disaster’ film reveals how it will wreck the lives of families across many parts of the country, from Middlesex through to Warwickshire, Staffordshire, and further north.

A new petition has also been launched, calling on transport secretary Chris Grayling to cancel HS2 immediately and cut all of its funding.

Crystal Ryall holds back tears in the film when she says: “How can you honestly tell people that their children and their parents are just going to be kicked out of the house they own?

“You’re not safe, because if the Government want it, they are going to take it, and that’s that. They should stop pouring all this money into something that’s never going to be any good to anybody.

“Pour it into the NHS, pour it into the police service and the fire stations they are closing down, or pour it into the existing railways. But don’t spend taxpayers’ money like this. It’s just stupid.”

Jim from Staffordshire says: “I haven’t a clue how the Government can say it is needed, when it is only going to affect a few people down the side of each line who can use it.

“If they put the money into the National Health Service instead of this railway, there will be more people in the next 20 years needing a hospital, than ever they will need a railway.”

The film reveals some shocking statistics about the taxpayer-funded HS2 project, including:
It is estimated to cost more than £400 million a mile, making it the most expensive railway in the world.
At present, the full cost is £111 billion – more than £5,800 from every UK household - but that is expected to rise even further.
Technology being proposed for HS2 is already 25 years out of date.

Ancient woodlands will be destroyed. 47 sites are ‘directly affected’.
Brand new housing estates are to be bulldozed to make way for the line.
In Middlesex, Ron Reynolds says: “An Englishman’s home is his castle - until HS2 want it! You don’t move on if something is not fit for purpose, and this isn’t fit for purpose.
“I want to know how long it’s going to take my great great great great grandchildren to pay this off. Don’t you think that the services are more important than getting to Birmingham 10 minutes quicker?”
Vikie Shanks from Warwickshire said: “I’ve tried to be open-minded about HS2. I’ve looked at the business case and listened to all sides, and by the time this thing is built, I believe it will be totally obsolete.
“The cost of building it is absolutely ludicrous, when we have social care and the NHS really struggling.”
The video was supported by action groups and individuals whose homes, communities and livelihoods are affected by the HS2 proposals.
A new ‘HS2 Disaster’ Facebook page has been set up, to help protect these families and the environmental impact of the project.

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