Sunday, December 17, 2017

Risks With Assisted Suicide.

The risk of assisted suicide.

The Christian Legal Centre, recognizing the risk of assisted suicide and euthanasia laws to the most vulnerable in our society: the sick, elderly, depressed or disabled; recently supported Nikki and Merv Kenward in their case challenging the DPP's relaxing of its prosecutorial guidelines relating to medical personnel who participate in bringing on an unnatural death.
That case was important because European history has shown that once adopted, doctor-prescribed death escapes regulation and the circumstances in which it is allowed grows rapidly and exponentially. Examples abound. In Switzerland, once doctor prescribed death was adopted, the instances of assisted suicide grew an astonishing 700 percent in just 10 years. In the Netherlands, instances of unreported involuntary euthanasia are rampant. Christian Concern.
Exponentially, huh? Just look at the 1967 Abortion Act - what it said and what it became!

If Only I Could Disagree.

Nick Timothy Labour sees success and wants to tax it, not encourage more of it. Reeves and her party are takers not makers, destroyers not c...