Yesterday, without getting drawn into the matter myself, I followed an online debate between one rationalist, pragmatic social thinker and a shedload of socialists who were attacking him.
I know for a fact that some of the leftists were highly educated and crammed with substantial life experience but they were simply unable to accept fundamental social realities.
They seemingly could not grasp that:
In order to distribute wealth - it first has to be created.
You cannot ignore the trillion pound plus debt that our nation currently 'enjoys'. This has to be serviced!
As a country, we cannot keep on adding to this debt - it is simply unsustainable at the moment and is condemning our children and grandchildren to a disastrous future.
Their clever solution to make all well by 'taxing the rich' is a recipe for future chaos. It has been tried and has failed every time. At present, the top 1% are paying 25% of all our taxes raised. Increase this and they disappear to lower tax economies often taking businesses and jobs with them. (Think of Wilsonian Super Tax.)
They cannot see that Corbyn's desire to borrow, borrow and borrow again CANNOT work - even into the medium term.
I could go on - but this kindergarten economic 'thinking' has to be wholly expunged from our society.
The true irony here is that so many of these leftist writers - with whom I am more than a little familiar - certainly do not run their own households in the cataclysmic manner they proffer for our nation! (Please use the search engine on this Blog to check out recent articles on the moribund economy of socialist Venezuela.)
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