Friday, December 01, 2017

The CFRCC Is Asking For Your Support, Once Again.

The Campaign for Real Christmas Cards craves your indulgence for a moment and requests that, in this most holy of seasons, you do not fall into low practices by buying secular, non-Christian cards to send. These undermine the season.
We have no need of Santa Claus - drunken or otherwise; no robins; no Dickensian snow scenes; no stockings; no pagan trees; no jokes; no fantasies - and even majoring on gifts is more than a little crass.
This is the season when we celebrate the second greatest wonder in all of History - the Incarnation of God Himself entering this world.
How dare we minimise or trivialise this event, if indeed, we are Christians.
The secular want to abolish Christmas - and by hiding its true meaning - they are well on the way to accomplishing this.

Learning From Joseph.