Monday, February 12, 2018

2 Funerals And Christian Responsibility.

Two friends died during my January, 12 day cruise of The Arabian Sea.
That meant two funerals in quick succession when we returned. How depressing - no Christian content. My input - admittedly limited - to these folks had borne no fruit.
It is time most Christians got off their backsides and really take on board the terrifying fact that most people they know are not saved via the Blood of The Lamb and consequently, are heading for a Godless eternity. Do you care?
We are playing hardball in the game of life but so many are too busy sitting on their hands and NOT telling friends, colleagues and family about their desperate need for salvation.
Yes - I know it's tough - but find a way! 
I found it so tough that I wrote my autobiography demonstrating the diverse miracles in my life KNOWING that many unsaved would read it just because they knew me. 
I have written two thrillers with Christian themes so that, having read them, the reader might understand the claims of the Gospel without being in people's faces. Oh - and I also write this Blog where I most certainly am in people's faces.
Frankly, I know that I'm still not doing enough to spread the Gospel - it can never BE enough unless you tell every single person you come into contact with.
This is reality - it is not a mere theoretical concept!

We Must Always Question Statistics.

Is the global population of Christians really increasing? By  Oscar Amaechina , Op-ed Contributor  Wednesday, January 22, 2025 iStock/agafap...