Saturday, February 17, 2018


How is it that so many economists who are quoted in the media are lefties? After all, Keynesian economics does not work - nor do any other types test driven up to this point in time.
Maybe it is simply that their profession attracts far too many numpties - or alternatively, the more likely explanation is that a heavily left-leaning media is highly selective in whom it chooses to hold forth, spouting heaps of garbage on vital issues.
In favour of the first explanation, however, please remember that university courses in PPE are also very heavily left-leaning.
Of course, many people in these sanity-bending departments do grow up after university as the real world kicks in BUT please remember too how many will have been employed directly after uni by the government and councils. 
Not a happy location for such people to develop a degree of common sense.
The truly competent will rarely be working for the above. It is mostly the better people who end up working in the real world where Mickey Mouse economics just do not apply.

Learning From Joseph.