Thursday, February 01, 2018

I Hate Mosquitos - They LOVE Me!

Mosquito WAR: Thousands of infected bugs to be RELEASED this WEEK to battle deadly virus.

MOSQUITOS infected with a naturally occurring bacteria known as Wolbachia will be released this week in a desperate attempt to thwart the spread of the deadly Zika virus other, it has emerged. Mosquito

The scheme has already launched Florida’s Key West area but was interrupted
The mosquitos have been infected with the bacteria in labs - the plan aims for males to mate with females carrying the deadly diseases such as Zika, dengue and yellow fever.
The sterilising Wolbachia will cause eggs from the females to die before they are able to hatch.
The first round of males will be released in Miami, USA, this week.
The Miami-Dade County Mosquito Reduction Test Program is the combination of work between the University of Kentucky and MosquitoMate. Express.
