Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Marx & Evil.

Karl Marx: The evil advocate of individual destruction.

I do not believe that Karl Marx intended to deliver the most evil political philosophy known to the human mind on purpose. It would appear that Marx, being the helpless, poverty-stricken despot that he was, wished to become powerful as he looked about Europe and saw the classes of those above him. He knew he would never reach any lofty social heights in his lifetime without stealing some of that influence from the bourgeoisie class. Marx did not have the benefit of living in America where the closest form of a socially classless society existed. If he did live in America, he might not have died with only 11 mourners at his funeral leaving behind a wife, and life of extreme poverty. Yet Marx and his writing were discovered by the intellectual elite, and even newspaper editors in America were giving voice to Marx and his writing partner on The Communist Manifesto Friedrich Engels because they sensed correctly that the plight of the poor and down trodden was the path to power. The intellectual elite knew they were too weak for actual battle and sought to utilize a mob of peasants to capture political control from the kings, queens, and the nobility of Europe. Intellectuals for centuries had been looking for a philosophy to bring about the utopian vision of a society created by Sir Thomas More in his book Utopia published in 1516. Marx, with all the foolish innocence of a beggar placed ideas to paper and the intellectual classes used him to gain power over Europe in the middle 1850’s. What followed was a century of death, destruction, and the near eradication of human innovation globally. Marx brought to the world decay in the form of his political philosophy called Marxism, which morphed into socialism maturing into communism, and all the gains made in America advancing the spirit of the human species had found its destroyer. Rich Hoffman.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.