Thursday, July 26, 2018

Moral Relativism - The Practical Problems.

Meta-ethical moral relativists believe not only that people disagree about moral issues, but that terms such as "good", "bad", "right" and "wrong" do not stand subject to universal truth conditions at all; rather, they are relative to the traditions, convictions, or practices of an individual or a group of people.

In my village, long subsumed into a large city, if you go back a 150 years or even a mere century - and possibly even less - there were shared ideas, ideals, standards and morality. The vast majority were Christian - at least in terms of a general philosophical stance.
At times in History, there have been groups from different nations arrive here to make their home. There have been Dutch, Jews, Huguenot French, Poles fleeing Hitler and the so-called 'Windrush generation' etc.
Over centuries these people have merged into the mainstream. This has not been all that difficult because, in every case, there has been a unifying thread - that of subscribing, at the very least in general terms, to the Christian Ethic or possibly, the Judeo-Christian ethic.
 Interesting how minute the 'negative effect' of skin colour has had on this process. Integration has been largely straightforward.
However, the new and pernicious goal of so-called 'multi-culturalism' can never again allow that same level of sustainable integration.
In the past: Poles kept their Polishness; people from the Caribbean kept their West Indian culture as indeed, did the Jews keep their roots BUT this gradually became less threatening as all these groups embraced Britishness.
It is inestimably damaging to the very fabric of our society that the doors have been thrown open to all and sundry from nations which can be deemed to be somewhat outside the above parameters. 
Furthermore, this has not been just small groups of refugees or those bringing essential skills to our nation but absurdly mixed economic migrants by the million to add to the many who have arrived illegally.
Our society is now one complex mass of uncontrolled religions and contradictory philosophies. It is so complicated that unity has become an impossible goal. You only have to consider the hundreds of ghettos springing up within our cities - each with a culture outside the mainstream.
Ironically, and perhaps very dangerously, the indigenous population are expected to yield their culture to make way for other types.
The left has desired this chaos. They believe in 'melting pot' ideas making a better world. This is a dreadful risk and logically, cannot succeed!

After having visited three nations in the UAE earlier this year, it is clear that the governments of those nations adamantly refuse to fall into this perilous trap.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.