Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Title Of This Blog Is No Accident.

If cultural relativism undermines all concepts of right and wrong - then it is 100% anti-Christian.

If a huge portion of the liberal left elite embrace this as their personal philosophy, which so many do, then they make themselves and their politics totally unsupportable by ANY AND ALL Christian believers.

The liberal left elite is generally found right across: Labour, Lib Dems, Greens, American democrats etc. Have you not been surprised by how readily so many of these will support and respect Islam as opposed to Christianity? It is not accidental. It is calculated as their second step to undermine all religion. (The first step, you ask? - The multi-faith philosophy so prevalent in leftist circles. It is designed to dilute and destroy. The Enemy is clever.)

That voting right of centre is anathema to many Christians is often understandable but however objectionable these may be - they are rarely evil.

At the simplest level, if explaining this to someone who is not especially academic, what you do is point out the reluctance of the left (and seeping rapidly into conservatism too) to 'make punishments fit the crime which has been a Bible principle ever since Genesis 9:6.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.