Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Today Presidents like Obama do not call themselves Marxists, socialists, or communists—they term it progressives. School teachers, politicians of both parties, many media personalities, actors, actresses, producers, music industry tycoons, and even Wall Street Bankers consider themselves “progressive” yet have their roots directly tied to the work of Karl Marx. To see the evidence, all one has to do is look in their neighborhoods and the evidence of “collectivism” will be seen in great abundance. Collectivism is an evil of thoughtless enterprise. No one brain controls this evil, its methods of destruction are generated from a collective belief that all participants are moved by a “will” that transcends thought, so mob will rules through democratic participation. Marx sought the complete eradication of private property so that every member of society could work according to their capacities and consume according to their needs. To his way of thinking, this was the only way to prevent the rich from living at the expense of the poor. Since he was so terribly poor, he was concerned about “leveling” the playing field so people like him could have a say in his fate. After all, he could not afford property of his own, and he obviously lacked the will to obtain it himself. So he built a philosophy that allowed for the legal theft of other people’s property so that at least they would not have more than he did. Communism became the philosophy of the lazy; those who would rather take from others so that they could not have more than the communists did as if such a thing could justify the communist’s lack of ambition. Rich Hoffman.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.