Friday, October 19, 2018

Our Police Disservice: Stephen Place Makes Some Excellent Points.

  1. Scrap direct entry and the need for a degree as an entry requirement at recruitment
  2. Investigate the influences of common purpose within the force
  3. Recruit a minimum of 25 – 30,000 new officers
  4. Scrap direct entry recruitment at Detective level
  5. Establish a national police force to deal with CSE, terrorism, cyber-crime, fraud and organized crime
  6. Keep the 43 police forces as ‘local’ forces dealing with local issues and crime
  7. Each local division to have a divisional commander responsible for his/her budget and policing management best targeted at local issues
  8. Scrap Police Crime Commissioners. Return to police panels on a local basis made from councillors, and members of the public elected to those posts
  9. Introduce minimum levels of service prior to promotion.
The biggest change should be scrapping the 50% rule on sentences and a complete overhaul of the parole board and probationary service. This list is not exhaustive. I firmly believe that if Ukip take on the police as a cause, coupled with strong law and order, they will be vote winners. Ukip Daily.

Allison Pearson.

  So you can imagine how delighted I was to come across the term “far centre”, which was coined by Prof Jonathan Clark, the leading British ...