Sunday, October 28, 2018

Tragedy For EU Losing Its Milch Cow - A Triumph For Us If Brexit Is Ever Achieved With All of Mrs May's Heel-dragging.

Sr Sanchez, Presidente del Gobierno in Spain, claimed Britain’s exit from the European Union (EU) will leave it with less influence on the world stage, branding Brexit a “tragedy”.
He said that the Brexit outcome is particularly important in Spain due to the number of Spanish people living in the UK, the fishing industry in Spain and the businesses sharing links to the UK.
He said: “Unfortunately, it was not possible to reject the request of the U.K. to withdraw from the EU.
“Brexit is a tragedy for the British and for the Europeans.”
In the immortal words of Nelson Munz in The Simpsons, 'Haah, Haaah!

The Church And Gender.

  CP Podcasts Home Generation Indoctrination: Inside the Transgender Battle SEASON FINALE: How Should The Church Respond To Gender Ideology?...