Saturday, January 12, 2019

May's Deal Assessed By Littlejohn.

Leavers won’t vote for it, Remainers won’t vote for it, the DUP won’t vote for it, Labour won’t vote for it.
Most members of the Cabinet wouldn’t vote for it, either, if they didn’t — like former Brexiteer Michael Gove — fancy their own chances of becoming Prime Minister when the music stops and Mrs May finally swallows the cyanide pill.
With a few honourable exceptions, no one in Parliament comes out of this well, least of all that preening puff adder John Bercow, who has demeaned his office and betrayed centuries of neutrality in the Speaker’s chair by ripping up the rule-book to help those headbangers who want to stop any form of Brexit altogether.
If Bercow had attempted this treacherous coup in an earlier period of history, he’d have been dragged off to the Tower for execution and his head displayed on a spike at the entrance to the Palace of Westminster, pour encourager les autres — as they don’t say in Sunderland. Richard Littlejohn - Mail.

A Church in Crisis.