Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Us and Them.

The main issue where Brexit is concerned, believe it or not, has little to do with quitting that appalling, expensive, corrupt body known as the European Union. That is just one more manifestation of a broader problem.
From time immemorial, politicians have done whatever they like and have then tried to 'educate' us into their ways of thinking. It is the 'us and them phenomenon'.
When this was staid and conservative in essence - it was not all that terrible and important social changes could be made, albeit rather too slowly.
When the 'them' has turned into the mindless, experimental left - you have inherent dangers afoot.
You have changed from a plodding system which broadly works into a rapidly moving one which is based on wishing and hoping: one which takes risks by demanding 'change, change, change' with little regard to consequences.
'Change for change's sake' is an extremely dangerous entity. The only change should be when logic dictates that you have found something which is an unequivocal improvement on what you already have.
As most of these plans fail miserably, the propaganda machine moves slowly into gear to make pretence that they are actually working. 

Thus we move inexorably into an Orwellian world where nothing is ever quite as it seems; basic truths disappear; mind controls work subliminally beneath our defences; Alice in Wonderland looks like a new norm; things may only be viewed in terms of the new morality and 'thinking outside the narrow boxes' is simply not permitted.
The media, basic education, universities, TV programmes - even comedy - become part of the movement to quell independent thought which does not fit within clear marxist parameters. 

For those reading this who still retain a sense of logic over and above these unending attacks, may I draw your attention to the downside.
1) Crime and wrongdoing has been downgraded in importance. The punishment must now never be appropriate to the crime.
The social consequence is that we have more crime than ever before and, in addition, to compound this, far fewer crimes are being reported as people can see that as being a total waste of their time.
The moral bankruptcy which underpins this thinking is both breathtaking and monstrous. Ordinary lives are being damaged and the victims are taught meaningless mantras to chant "Prisons are just universities of crime" is one of many.

2) Thinking, as part of education, is being gradually removed to be replaced by soundbites of politically correct thought.

3) The acceptance of the development of a: criminal, workshy, dishonest, socially irresponsible underclass is both moral degeneracy from 'them' combined with incalculable social damage.

4) 'They' promote the foul and pervasive doctrines of multiculturalism which are so incredibly divisive as a replacement to the integration that our society so desperately needs. (Do not be fooled by claims that 'multiculturalism is the pathway to integration. This is not so!)

5) 'They' offer us a relatively new doctrine called 'diversity' - wherein we must learn to tolerate anything and everything.
That is the pathway to moral degeneracy and social breakdown. Simple extrapolation will show you how.

6) 'They' are the ones who have done everything in their power to undermine the family. The social damage caused is inestimable.

7) They have brought us uncontrolled immigration and refuse to accept any downside.

WELL! The penny has now started to drop. It is unfortunate in some ways that it had to be Point 7 which started people thinking - and some for the very first time. 'Unfortunate' because 'they' can wickedly accuse 17.4 million people of being racists.
I have never claimed that 'they' weren't malevolent because so many are. Tragically, they have the shallow thinking (largely) middle classes who, sheep-like, follow their line from Kensington to Islington.

Initially Ukip as the forerunner, now The Brexit Party as the present, represent the turning worm: that Peterborough is critical if 'us' are to make any sort of comeback.

Prayer Please.

  Please pray for: David and Sue, Pat, Pat, Steve and family, Sylvia, Brenda, Ray, Daniel, Paul, Jamie-Lee, Peter, Charlotte and friend, Mar...