Tuesday, September 03, 2019

80 Years Ago Today ...

... we found ourselves at war with the National SOCIALISTS.
That left 50 million dead. Meanwhile, good ole Marxist Stalin was already well under way with his butchery. The good old days when academics believed that he had killed a mere nine million of his own people seem a long time ago. Nobody now believes it was less than 20 million and possibly many, many more.
Pol Pot slaughtered half the population of Cambodia - not in the same range as these others, where numbers are concerned, of course, but the percentage is horrendous.
Nobody has any real idea how many of his own were butchered by Mao in China - we rely largely on underestimates.
Let us not forget that, since 1917, calculated estimates lay some 180 million deaths at the door of assorted types of communism.

All of the above, and those nations which have killed their own on a smaller scale, have two things in common, if for some bizarre reason, should you care to listen to leftists, today:
1) None of these was real socialism and
2) Our version won't be like that.

Incidentally, the gross figure above does not even include Hitler's version.
Still, even if it is few million short of  a quarter of a billion souls - who's counting?

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?
