Monday, December 23, 2019

Laura Kuenssberg Tells The Truth About Undemocratic Remainers.

The BBC's political editor Laura Kuenssberg insists that history will condemn Remainers for trying to subvert democracy and overturn Brexit. Speaking on the BBC's Brexitcast, Kuenssberg said historians will look back at this period of time and be mystified at why people tried to undo a democratic decision. This comes after Boris Johnson announced that the wrangling over Brexit was over, after MPs backed his plan to leave the EU at the end of January.
Kuenssberg said: "From a historical point of view, I think when people look back at this period and they examine the extent of the Labour defeat.
"I think people will look back and think, 'hang on - people voted for something in 2016 and then lots of people in the political establishment in Westminster spent three years trying to undo that. What?' Express.
"People thought we would be out the next day. Politicians on both sides, including the then-Prime Minister David Cameron stood on platforms and said if you vote this way, it will happen.
"They said there was no going back, and that this wasn't a vote that you can have a second opinion on."
