Saturday, December 28, 2019

Yup: Teaching Your Grandmother To Suck Eggs!

... the Government has joined in the chorus for a zero-waste festive season, with environment minister Rebecca Pow urging British people to save their wrapping paper for next year. DT.

Blogger: I find it ironic in the extreme that those of us brought up by parents born in the 20s and 30s, who were taught to WASTE NOTHING, have been mocked as we moved into the absurd throwaway society which we inhabit today.
Suddenly - finally acting a little more sensibly is the sign of being modern. Apparently.
Of course, 'modernity' brings with it impossible exaggerations from that most deadly of combos - leftist politicos and and unscientific scientists.
Incidentally, here in Sheffield, I was informed by an intelligent personage who has researched thoroughly the matter that the temperature rise in our city has been a whole degree - spread over 134 years!


This historic village in the Lakes is still ‘the loveliest spot that man hath ever found’ . Beloved by Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy, t...