Saturday, December 28, 2019

Posted 2008 - This Man Is Now In The Running To Lead Labour. Frankly, I Despair!

David Lammy MP no Mastermind, he! Posted 2008.

"According to David Lammy MP, Privy Councillor and Minister of State for Higher Education, there are still too many inequalities in the education system which prevents disadvantaged children from applying to study for a degree. British schooling is wholly responsible for the inequalities. A culture of low expectation and a lack of rigour holding these pupils back."

[His own education looks worryingly impressive - on paper, at least!]

Several points about his recent appearance on Celebrity Mastermind:
a] He was not very good; he knew very little and I scored more than he did on his specialist subject!
b] He was so poor that he was beaten into fourth place by an actor, a pop star and a 'hairy biker'.
c] Gordon Brown must have been severely embarrassed that one of his up-and-comers should have proved to be quite as ignorant as he was - and in public!
d] Apologies for the repetition, but this man is a MINISTER for HIGHER Education!
e] How did he dare to appear on the programme in the first place? - Hubris?

To be fair, he did seem a nice enough chap but I really do want my rulers to be a little brighter - please.
What surprises me is that I am surprised!

PS Dave, - a word to the wise, the 'inequalities' you mention have happened because of YOUR party's education policies and hatred of excellence.


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