Sunday, December 22, 2019


This term 'hate crime' is an out and out nonsense and becoming ever more so as each year goes by.
In the mid 1990s, I did magistrate training on this very issue and the total absence of any logic was sickening. In those days, it was all based entirely on race but as time went by, so many more pointless categories have been added.
A crime is a crime is a crime.
If you are attacked 'as a hate crime' - why should this be any different?
Surely, any crime involving violence must, by this very definition, be 'a hate crime too'.
If you attack me because of my: ugliness, my baldness, my wearing of glasses - the list goes ever onward - you must eventually reach a point where you have every reason for attacking someone covered by this most empty of phrases.

Now, 'hate crime' has morphed into something said to which a snowflake may legitimately take offence.
The next logical step is, of course, thought crimes - and we seem to be reaching that point.
Do remember that the only things allowed on the approved list to be classed thus will have come from leftist opinion-formers.
Ironically - and sickeningly - Christians never make this list but atheists, islamists etc can easily do so.

The seriousness of crimes must not be judged on such spurious calculations. If someone breaks my nose as they rob me - it matters not one whit what their motivation was. The crime does not suddenly worsen because I do happen to be some sort of geek.
A crime of violence is a crime but hurting a snowflake's feelings is not. There are too many in our Brave New World who revel in being offended.


This historic village in the Lakes is still ‘the loveliest spot that man hath ever found’ . Beloved by Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy, t...