Saturday, April 18, 2020

Disagreement Is NOT Hatred.

American culture [Blogger: perhaps that should read 'Western culture'] has adopted a dangerous habit of equating disagreement with hatred. Allegations of hate and bigotry have become tools that people resort to when their facts and logic run dry. The narrative goes as such: If you disagree with someone’s worldview, you are thus hateful and bigoted towards them and/or their ideology.
This reckless habit breeds false narratives, and false narratives breed false ideologies– ideologies that sometimes turn violent. In the past year alone we’ve seen many violent reactions towards opposing views from those who deemed the non-violent individual(s) “hateful.” (here, here, here, and here). CP.

Considering The Damage To Our Nation Caused By Sky-High Migration, It Must Now Drop To Near Zero. We Are Already The Most Overcrowded Major Nation In The Western World!

Angela Rayner 'will clear area of Green Belt the size of SURREY' for building by designating it as 'grey belt' rather than c...