Friday, May 29, 2020

Be In Good Company.

YES - ALL CAN JOIN US in the UK Sunday 7th June 10:30am UK time LIVE via Zoom, as John Mackay and Joseph Hubbard preach for our UK supporters ‘Church in the Barn’ in the Lakes District.
See you soon. Other churches take the hint and get Creation Research live for your services. Share God’s Word about God’s work from creation to recreation. Link: ID 836 736 6571 PASSWORD 769354. Tell your friends and let’s have thousands there. Don’t waste Covid-19 opportunities as the Creation Guy John Mackay and Team continue to share God’s Truth worldwide. Now enjoy the latest below.

God’s Love and Ours. 1 John 4.

God’s Love and Ours. 7)  Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows G...