Friday, May 22, 2020

The Real and The Counterfeit.

Peter’s statements provide us with a common theme that runs throughout both the Old and New Testaments when it comes to determining the authentic vs. counterfeit followers of God – a changed life and fruitfulness. God tells us about the production of good grapes vs. worthless offshoots (Is. 5:1-2), the difference in figs vs. thorns (Matt. 7:15-20), soil that yields good produce vs. barrenness (Matt. 13:18-23), branches that deliver fruit vs. ones that do not (John 15:2), wheat vs. tares (Matt. 13:24-30), etc.   
The Bible makes it clear that our true faith exam is passed by a demonstration of good fruit vs. bad – something that is referred to many times by both the authors of Scripture and theologians throughout church history. One account in the past particularly stands out where this subject is concerned – the Great Awakening. CP. Robin Schumacher.
