Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Dominic Cummings.

I am still to be convinced that Cummings did too much wrong - but obviously, he may be viewed by a number as not having followed the letter of the rules. However, he should always be above and beyond suspicion.
Annoying - but still trivial. I wonder just how 'perfect' so many of his accusers have been?
This is, more than anything, to do with opposition and leftist media spotting a wounded gazelle and baring fangs towards the throat.
The subtext is unsubtle. This is the final throw of the remainer dice as they gather their forces in one more pointless conflict to add to the four years of anti-democratic practice they have already taken on. (With beautiful irony - the UK is now out of the EU under Boris terms rather than those of Theresa because they were too dim to spot what Theresa was handing them on a plate!)
Their final - and doomed-from-the-start attempt is to delay the end of the transition period.
Just how much do they hate the UK? - More to the point WHY? During negotiations, why are they giving aid and succour to 'the enemy'?
