Monday, December 28, 2020

Nigel Farage On Loving Europe But Not The EU.

 ... Mr Farage then noted that such a unified, homogenous ‘Europe’ as sold by the proponents of the European Project simply does not exist, but so much cultural and other divisions exist within it, threatening the superstate.

“The European Union itself is divided by north to south by a currency that doesn’t work for the south at all, divided between the east and west, culturally. We’re seeing the EU budget being vetoed and countries like Poland and Hungary very unhappy. I think in the broader picture, Brexit is the beginning of the end of the European Union. I’m pro-European. I’m pro-Europe of sovereign states trading and being friends — not being run from Brussels.”
Mr Farage went on to condemn “the undemocratic nature of the way this project is run” and how it hurts European small business owners, because it is inherently structured to benefit “big multinational businesses”.
However, he said that it was in Britain’s interest that Europe — as a collection of free nations — is “settled”, because “as history teaches us: when Europe is happy and settled, it makes our lives easier, too.
“What I can see, is conflict building up, north, south, east, west, within a European Union that just wants to build this modern-day empire with an absence of democracy.” Breitbart.

Learning From Joseph.