Sunday, December 27, 2020

Remainers Have Systematically Misled the Electorate Throughout Referendum Campaigns and For A Further Four and A Half Years.

 Their worst untruths fell into two main categories:

1) They stated a list of 'impossibilities' under Brexit - every single one now shown to have been, viewing each as kindly as possible, pure fantasies. The Boris deal has shown them up for what they are.
2) They have repeatedly claimed that it is actually the Brexiteers who have been economical with the truth. However, the proof of the pudding ...

We have reached a point where almost all of their claims are now in tatters after the EU has signed its biggest and greatest ever trading deal in the bloc's history.
Effectively, their only claim still intact is that 'the UK will fail on world markets.'
Even that is beginning to unravel at unbelievable speed with deals coming in thick and fast from beyond the EU with Singapore, Japan and India all poised to sign on the dotted lines.
At least thirty further countries are readying themselves to sign trade deals - the same 30+, in fact, who, asked for deals in the first week after the referendum! To the best of my knowledge none has backtracked - even if Biden might be proving something of a nuisance. And look at what kind of political belief system he upholds.

Dear remainers, YOU LOST - and big style! Time to shut up and work for the betterment of our nation. We have left the EU - never to return - and after all of this - do you really think they would ever take us back? Smile

Learning From Joseph.