Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Our Ungodly Laws.

 Britain's Ungodly Laws.

 Managing Editor  14 Dec 2018  Prophecy UK.
Britain's Ungodly Laws
At Prophecy Today UK, we believe that the nation of Britain, formerly a God-fearing nation, is now a nation under God's judgment. This decline in our national spiritual position has taken place over the course of a generation, not least through the passing of many unbiblical laws onto our statute books. Below is a list of these laws, courtesy of Issachar Ministries (updated November 2019).


  1. 1951: The Fraudulent Mediums Act (Deut 18:10-13) abolished the Witchcraft Act 1735. This legalised witchcraft in Britain which had hitherto been banned for centuries and made all occult activities legal which the Bible condemns. Paul says that idolatry is the first step in the corruption of human civilisation (Rom 1:18-32).
  2. 1959 and 1964: The Obscene Publications Act (Mark 7:21-23Eph 5:4-6) coming into force in 1959 (and amended in 1964) was a weak law requiring proof that a publication had a tendency “to deprave and corrupt”. The amendment to the Act in 1977, and the Broadcasting Act 1990, extended the law to cinema and television respectively, preparing the way for an uncontrolled internet.
  3. 1967: The Abortion Act (Gen 4:10-11Ps 139:13) showed society’s total disregard for the principle that human life is sacred as the gift of God from the time of conception. The death penalty for murder had been abolished in 1965 but this Act said it was acceptable to kill unborn babies. About 574 abortions take place daily in British hospitals, bringing to more than nine million the number of unborn children killed since abortions became legal.
  4. 1967: The Sexual Offences Act (Lev 18:22Rom 1:18-32) legalised homosexual acts between consenting men of the age of 21, which was reduced to 18 by the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994The Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000 later equalised the age of consent at 16 for both homosexual and heterosexual acts.
  5. 1968: The Theatres Act (Prov 15:261 Thess 4:7) virtually abolished ‘censorship of the theatre’, although public performances of plays require licensing, and obscene performances are prohibited. The Act allowed nudity and explicit sexual acts on stage.
  6. 1969: The Divorce Reform Act (Mark 10:2-12) opened the way for easier divorce by introducing the principle of the irretrievable breakdown of marriage as the sole ground for divorce, to be proved by adultery, unreasonable behaviour, or desertion; or by two years' separation with consent to a divorce, or five years' separation without consent to a divorce.
  7. 1972: The European Communities Act (Deut 27:1732:8) and subsequent related legislation took Britain into the European Economic Community (EEC), and later into the European Union, thereby giving away our sovereignty and control over our borders and our laws. The implementation of Brexit, beginning with the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, is still in progress.
  8. 1989: The Children Act (Deut 4:96:6-7) aimed to increase the protection of children, but it effectively removed the traditional concept that parents are the best judges of their children's welfare.
  9. 1990: The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act (Ex 23:7Ps 106:37-40Ecc 11:5Jer 7:31) reduced the age at which an unborn baby could be aborted to 24 weeks and legalised the abortion of ‘disabled’ babies up to birth. Along with the Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Research Purposes) Regulations 2001, it also legalised the creation, storage and use of embryos for licensed laboratory research.
  10. 1993: The National Lottery etc. Act (1 Tim 6:10) instituted a State national lottery, effectively encouraging people to gamble and to increase their level of personal debt.
  11. 1994: The Sunday Trading Act (Ex 20:8-11) allowed widespread trading on Sundays which went against the biblical principle to observe a day of rest each week. Sunday became just another day like any other, inevitably weakening family life.
  12. 1996: The Family Law Act (Mal 2:16Matt 19:8) replaced the five grounds for divorce in the Divorce Reform Act 1969 with a so-called ‘no-fault’ divorce system. This part of the Act was later repealed but those in favour of this change continue to lobby hard.
  13. 1999: The Finance Act (Isa 61:8Mal 2:13-15) removed the Married Couple’s Allowance for under-65s, further degrading the value of marriage.
  14. 2004: The Gender Recognition Act (Gen 1:272:23Isa 5:20) granted transsexual people legal recognition as members of the sex opposite to their birth gender, either male or female.
  15. 2004: The Civil Partnership Act (Matt 19:5Eph 5:3) granted civil partnerships rights and responsibilities very similar to that of civil marriage.
  16. 2005: The Gambling Act (Prov 13:111 Tim 6:9-10) substantially deregulated the gambling industry, allowing betting shops, slot machines, internet gambling and gambling adverts to proliferate.
  17. 2006 and 2010: Equality Acts (1 Cor 6:9-10) The 2006 Act created the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) and the 2010 Act drew together all the other acts that had relevance to equality and human rights and brought British law into line with EU Equal Treatment Directives.
  18. 2008: The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act (Gen 2:24Deut 6:4-9Matt 19:4-6) recognised same-sex couples as legal parents of children conceived through the use of donated sperm, eggs or embryos, and replaced the reference to the need for “a father" with “supportive parenting”. It also legalised the creation of animal-human hybrid embryos for research and paved the way in 2015 for Britain to be the first country in the world to lawfully allow embryos to be genetically modified to have three or four parents.
  19. 2013: The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act (Rom 1:18-32; 1 Cor 7) redefined traditional marriage which had always been between a man and a woman. It allowed two persons of the same gender to enter into legally recognised marriage. This Act crossed a red line in British parliamentary history and came fully into force in 2014.
  20. 2019: The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education, and Health Education (England) Regulations (Gen 2:24Deut 6:4-9Prov 22:6Matt 19:4-6) were made under the Children and Social Work Act 2017 and were notably introduced with the intent that primary schools were to be strongly encouraged to cover LGBT content in their teaching, with no parental opt-out.
  21. 2019: The Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Act (Gen 2:24Ps 106:38Isa 10:1-2Matt 19:4-6) was passed in Westminster in the absence of a functioning devolved government, taking advantage of Northern Ireland’s political weakness to impose abortion and same-sex marriage on a province that historically has held to biblical values more faithfully than the rest of the UK.
This list of ungodly laws is published as a pamphlet by Issachar Ministries. It is available on application to - or ring the office on 01767 223270.

Learning From Joseph.